Thursday, April 23, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today’s lesson was on how to write the body paragraph for the rhetorical essay and how long it should take to write, annotate, and analyze the whole essay.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

The work that we got today was kinda of confusing because I did not know if we had to write the essay or just take notes. So I went the easy way out and just took the notes so I can see what I really had to turn in tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today’s lesson was we had to write in conclusion to an essay that was already given.  It wasn’t as hard as I thought it is gone be but with a little bit more work and lesson exercises I will have the conclusion together.

Monday, April 20, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today our lesson was to create a thesis statement based on “good” and “great.”  If I had to rate myself I think I’m still in the good category because I’m still trying to figure out how to really write a thesis statement clearly and with understanding.

Friday, April 17, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

I really don’t understand how to find the rhetorical situation but I understand how to find the parts of the situation. It would be better if I was in class so my teacher can tell me how to find it actually and how to spot it.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Doing my work today made me realize how much I miss school.  When learning how the lesson online it’s not as informational as asking question and getting them explained to you. I really didn’t understand how to construct an introduction until I got some help from one of my classmates who understood it better then I did.  More informational work and notes will help me better understand the concept more.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Doing my work today I realized that I have been doing my assignments backwards and me not knowing that I just made an zero on one of my assignments that I had to get done today as today’s assignment.  I also took some notes on the video we had to watch today and take the practice quiz after that that I did great on because the information that was given was something that I did not remember and I had know idea how to use it an a assignment as we had today.

Monday, April 13, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today was our first official day back to online school.  It was kind of difficult trying login into everybody work and trying to work online is difficult than actually working in class.  But I know that it will take some time to get use to but I understand the safety of the school and public schools.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we watched a couple of short videos that could keep our minds going after we took the ACT yesterday.

Monday, March 9, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we got into groups and we found information on the topic we received in class.  The group that I was in topic was Cultural Diversity in the Workplace.  First we did the KWL chart to help us understand what we know but it was hard for me because I never had an actual job.  But when the group and Mr. Rease helped me out I understood what was going on.  After that we was suppose to email the article that we found to ourselves but I only emailed one because I forgot to email the first one.  We didn’t have time to do what we had to finish because we had to go to our home room teacher class to get information for the ACT on tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we learned how to an annotative bibliography.  It kind of easy but the only challenging thing is writing the summary.  The summary has to be at least two to three sentences and it has to be in your own words or else you would be plagiarizing.  It includes the citation, the summary, the reflection, and the evaluation.  We did one as a class so we could better understand it but the article was five pages long so we scammed through it.  That took me forever to do because I already read slow and I be wanting to gets into details.  But I understand the concept,  I just wish it was a shorter process.

Monday, March 2, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we received some tips to help with a essay portion on the AP Exam.  We went over some old ap prompt that we could review on tans it help us only using information from the examples and evidence already given.  We had to analyze and explain the relationship between machines and how they can help make the world a better place.  We only took notes on the prompt and plan for the prompt but it helps us understand how the prompt is suppose to be answered.