Thursday, September 26, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today, a group discussed and talked aboit their chapter that they assigned.  They did a very good job with their presentation and I learned a couple of good techniques from the group. I'm really anxious in what the other groups has to offer and how they will present.  At the end of their presentation, we as a class had to take a position on what is better essential to bring on a hike: a pair of boots or water.  I personally think that bringing water is better but a pair of boots is better because you need boots to take you to your water designation.  But today in class it was a really interesting and a good way to learning new skills about presentations and group assignments.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class, my group were the first group to present today.  We discussed and analyzed Chapter 11 of Wild.  As a group, we were basically teaching the class what the chapter was about and how we came up with our analyzation and wjat we thought the chapter was mainly about.  We didn't teach ghe class for an hour as planned we actually tught the class the whole period.  For us being the first group to present we actually met the criteria of the assignment that was asked for.  We recieved a pretty good grade considering the fact that this was our first time having to do a project in two days, but we also had to help each other in a way that the class would understand the questions that we asked. Overall this project was an easy A because of what was asked.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today we got back in our groups to do our in class project.  Tomorrow we will be the first group to present and teach the class.  We will have to teach the class based on the chapter we were assigned and it has to be an hour long.  So in the time length that we have, we have to ask critical question and talk about the themes that are in that chapter.   We have to include a one-sentence summary, a word to describe the chapter, and research on one of the important facts that occured in the chapter.  This assignment should be an easy grade but if we don't reach the time lapse that we recieved, then we don't recieve full credit. We, as a group, finished our doing and contributation in the project and tomorrow we will be prepared to present.

Monday, September 23, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we were put in groups and we were assigned a chapter from our book to an Interactive Oral Presentation.  We assigned six tasks to do for the project and so that thus will help towards the grade.  This project is easy to me because we are basically analyzing the chapter we were assigned and make critical question.  I think this assignment will play a major part toward my grade.  I was put in a pretty good group and we are working pretty good as a team.

Friday, September 20, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

In today today, we did a Who Am I using protagonist and antagonists character.  The way we got our characters we went aroind the classroom and a peraon that was called made up an imporant characteristics.   Then as a class we made up an story about the two characters and we came to an conclusion about how the story should start and end.  The story was a plot twist and it had it's unexpected moments.  The class as a whole had some pretty good ideas and comprised very well.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today we discussed the American Dream and what is our dream.  In my dream is to one day be a inspirational spoken person. Being a inspirer means that I get to help other people understand how life is going to be and how it will become.  We also read over our class book,"Wild."  In Chapter 7 and 8, tells how she wants to be alone and how being alone made her feel like she was in an actual place.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

The lesson today in class, we read a poem called, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers."  It was about the long history of the black race.  The claim of the poem was basically how the black race has been through all the good and bad of the world.  It talked about the beginning if life, starting of civilization, ancient Egyptian, and the beginning of slavery figuratively.

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry: Thesis Statement

In class today we went over and discussed how thesis sentences should look.  An arguementive essay the responds should de defensible thesis that may establish a line of reasoning.  A tgesis sentence will appear in the introduction paragraph and should be the last semtence.  It should only be one sentence.  An a evidrnce and commentary essay it provides relevant to the thesis and provides commentary that consistently and explicitly explains the relationship between the evidence and the thesis. The information that was taught in class was difficult but practicing it will help you on big essay assignments. Understanding the concept of writing may be hard but once you learn it, nobody can take it from you.  

Friday, September 13, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we took a test on our book Wild.  The test was easy because I actually toom the time and read my book so I can past the test.  After the test, we reviewed the question and we discussed our answers.  After the reviewing, I haven't been more excited about a grade in my life.  But this book is actually one of my favorite books so far in high school.

Monday, September 9, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry #7: A Chill Monday

Today my teacher was absent today.  Why? I don't know but all I can say it was a chill day.  Although he wasn't here we read our book that was assigned called "Wild," and so far I'm really enjoying it.  It started off sad but I want to continue reading it because how interested I became just off Chapter 1.  We got to discuss the first Chapter also as a class and see how other people understood it. So today was a chill and laid back day for me.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry #6

Today in class we went over the test from last Friday.  It wasn't as interesting to me because I really didn't understand what they were talking about.  As class went along I begin to understand that they were talking about how to answer he prompt that was given. The test prompt was about what does it mean to be a individual. Going over the test was a good and productive way for me to be prepared for the test when I take it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry #5: Multiple Choice Skills

Today in class we discussed how to properly take a mutiple cboice test.  Something that I took from the lesson was that no matter how good you think the answer is, it might not be the correct answer just because sounds like it is.  You have make sure you can comprehend the question that it is asking and identify what it is you're looking for. Eliminate wrong answers. There are four answer choices and out of those four one is right and the rest is totally wrong. You get stuck on a question but make an educated guess so you want be stuck on that one question. Taking a multiple choice test now I would probably do a little better because of the strategy I have been taught today. I still need some more work on it but I'll be better by the time I take the ACT.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry #4

Today in class we discussed the difference between an arguement and a fight. An arguement plays with emotions, changes your attitude, and talks you into making a decision. In an arguement, they try to win over the audience by persuading. Fighting is no argument, it only inspires revenge or retreat and it is never used to persuade. The basic difference between an arguement and a fight: an a arguement it gets people to do what you want and a fight each disputant tries to win.