Tuesday, January 14, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today we extinguished the difference between certainty and doubt.  Our first assignment was to a make list of thing that you certain of and another list of what you doubt.  To be certain of something means you have 100% faith in something.  To have doubt about something means that you lack faith.  We did this so it could help us break apart an essay prompt and how to answer the question to the prompt.  The question to the prompt was basically asking us to distinct the relationship between certain and doubt.  We took notes and we as a class talked about somethings that we didn’t quite understand.  We wasn’t able to finish we were suppose to do today but the things that I got from answering prompts like this that you really have to pay attention to what the prompt is asking you because they have a way to play mind tricks to make something that it not.

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