Thursday, January 9, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we got into groups and we planned out skits for a fallacy that we given.  First we were placed in groups and given our fallacy.  Since the group I was in had five people, we were given two fallacies.  We had fifteen minutes to come up with our skits and figure out what we were going to talk about. We also had figure out what the other groups analogies were by given three answer choices from our teacher.  Each group that went did a really good job with their skits and  really enjoyed the laughter today. The group I was had four girls, including myself, and one boy.  We planned our skit around the cheating on his main girlfriend with three other females. He text everyone the same text but nobody knows that he was the one who was sending the text. So the we find out that he was texting all of same text and we figure out that we was texting the same boy.  His main girlfriend called him so we can talk to him on the phone but doesn’t answer her phone call he answers the other girl phone call.  She tells him to come to where we was at and he came in shock, supposedly.  We comforted him using a fallacies that we were given.  He came in all confused and trying to find out way out of the situation.  He started to act like what he was doing wasn’t wrong. But I was suppose to be the one who really don’t care because I talk to people to. That’s one of the fallacies because he was missing the point that talking to four girls wasn’t wrong and the he thought that his main girlfriend was gone take him back.  Then he started the talk about things, like the man on the moon and a cure cancer, that didn’t have nothing to do what we were talking about.  This is another fallacy because he had weak analogies.  So everybody decided to not talk to him and he was left with nobody talk to, that we know of.  We also got our commenting partner and how we are suppose to comment. Today in class really showed me a good time!

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