Thursday, October 31, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we started out doing an Mood & Tone practice review.  As a class we needed improve on how to find the tone of a sentence or paragraph correctly.  We moved on and read a metaphorical poem and analyzed it.  In the poem, the author was comparing a poet to an acrobatic.  As a class we found the metaphor and we decided on what the poet meant by using it each of the metaphors that he included in the poem.  The process of finding the metaphor is easy but finding out what is meant by it can have many different perspectives because many people believed in many different perspectives.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we received our Lesson 3 Vocabulary terms and went over lesson 2 vocabulary video presentations. As I was presenting, the definition of the terms I had just went blank and I stumbled over my presentation.  It’s like when you are in front of a class full of students, looking at their eyes it’s like their judging you.  But I went on with my presentation and I enjoyed everyone else presentation. At the end of class we were supposed to get the assigned words for lesson 3 but the bell rung and it was time for us to go home, so we will be receiving them tomorrow.

Friday, October 25, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we took a test on our seven rhetorical devices. Our assignment was to answer the prompt that was given using the seven rhetorical devices.  This assignment was extremely difficult for me.  It was hard trying to stay on topic when you’re trying to apply the device to the sentence.  The concept of learning the device and doing example sentences are easy but when you have to apply it to a prompt the concept  becomes difficult. That’s was the only thing we did today and it wasn’t as easy I thought it would’ve been.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Well today I had a fun day in class.  We witness our teacher put on a wig and we didn’t do anything that included learning.  I never thought I would be a day like today.  In fourth block we had a pep rally, that was kinda fun but it wasn’t as fun as it should’ve been.  It was cause it a Thursday and we usually have our pep rallies on a Friday.  But tomorrow it’s going to a movie because I’m turning all the way up without a crowd.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class most of the class did not stay long due to the that it was a 90s day party, in which I attended.  I do not what happened in class but I know what happened at the party. I had so much fun and this definitely was one for the books.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today we presented our vocabulary poster.  The concept of the project was to be able to learn the words and definition without actually having to memorize each individual word Gehenna taking a test.  We only presented four words it of fifteen.  The process it took me to do this project was very easy and as i went on doing my project, I found myself learning almost all the definitions and I will remember these definitions for a long period of time.  As we presented it was this one student, Jada Dodds, who had the most funniest presentation ever.  She basically acted out her example picture with a using actual pictures.  That presentation actually made my day and it made the presentation not as boring.

Monday, October 21, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we did a bell ringer on the last three devices that we went over and discussed as a class Friday.  After that we did a group assignment about health and we read an article about it.  In the article we read today and talked about smoking and overweight workers. In our groups, we were given a question and we had to answer the question within the group number after we rotated from group to group.  And after we left one group and went to another one some of the answers that we already knew from others groups were already answered so it made it difficult for to automatically know what to put.  But as we finished them rotating we can see the different answers and how they were different from your groups.  In conclusion, once we were rotating you got the chance to see if you and group before had the same thoughts or how their answers were indifferent from yours.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we actually did not have a class.  We had a sub because our teacher took a sick day and the class was was suppose to go to,  the teacher was not there.  So fourth block was a chill day today.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we discussed three new rhetorical devices. They take a lot a studying and learning to really understand.  One of the devices is Litotes and it emphasizes its point by using a word opposite the condition.  For example, you won’t be sorry meaning you will be glad.  Another device learned is Antithesis and it means make use of a contrast in languages to bring out of contrast in ideas.  An example for this will be one of Muhammad Ali quotes “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” And finally, one last device is hypophora. It’s meaning it the technique of asking a question, then proceeding to answer it. For example, “Should students wear uniforms to school? The answer is yes. Uniforms in school could decrease incidents.  These rhetorical devices are basically what we use in everyday life and we don’t even know it until we learn the concept of it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we discussed vocabulary and rhetorical devices.  We discussed hyperbole and an understatement.  An hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration and it consists of exaggerating some part of your statement.  It has three main uses.  One is to make a point strongly, want your reader to snap to attention and focus on your writing, and it is used as a way of demonstrating the difference between two things.  Another rhetorical devices is an understatement.  An understatement is an descriptive statement that is less that what one would normally except.  It also has three main uses. One is to demonstrate how powerful an event or idea actually is, another is that it can lull a reader into a sense of calm, and finally it is used for a humorous effect.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we discussed and reviewed over our EQT.  We went over to see how to correctly eliminate wrong answers and how to answer that fits the question to two somewhat correct answers.  The EQT wasn’t as bad I I thought it would be but I have to learn how to utilize the text of the stories and that will help me in the long run when I have an even bigger test.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we typed our EQT Essay Prompt.  It was so stressful to type a paper that is the most important part of the test.  We had to type it within an hour and forty minutes.  If you decided to start your essay earlier than you had a very big head start.  Overall, I put my hard work and notes into that essay and I personally think I’ll have at least a minor grade that I’ll except.

Monday, October 7, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we took notes on how to properly type an essay.  So tomorrow we will be taking our first EQT Essay assignment tomorrow.  We already know what's going to be the essay prompt.  The essay that we will be doing will consist of three to four pages of information that we will talk about.  It must include an introduction, three body paragraphs, and an concluding paragraph.  Each of the paragraphs must include a claim and textual evidence.  We also talked about imagery and how to analyze an imagery poem. Imagery is a language that appeals to the five senses (such as smell, taste, hearing, touch, and sight). We were assigned to write a poem about what image in our life currently.

Friday, October 4, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we discussed what and how the EQT will consist of.  We went over claims and evidence so that we will have a refreshing of it we take the actually test.  On the it will have all the concepts that we went over this quarter.  I’m not sure if I’m ready for it but I’m ready because I know the things that we discussed.  I know that had a rough first quarter but I truly believe that the rest of the school year is going to be good while taking this class.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in we went immediately in a groups for the oral presentation, since we only was in class for about 20-25 minutes.  So today two group presented and they did really good.  I understand some of the things that I really didn’t get the concept of.  The group that had Chapter 14 had a really good theme and it was, “In order for you to discover something in life, you have to open up your eyes.”  I really believe that because you can’t sit around and think that something is going to happen at a quit instinct, you have to put in the effort for it to happen.  Also the group that had Chapter 15 had a theme that I can also relate to.  The theme was, “ Let go of the past struggles,” meaning that you can dwell on the past because you can’t go back in fix it because it already happened.  Once you get over your past life, you should be thinking of what the future brings and how will you take advantage of it.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class, our teacher discussed the things he was looking for in our class due to the fact that we have the lowest class average that he teaches.  He informed us that in order for a graded to look the way we wanted them to look, we have to do the work.  Meaning that we have to turn in and complete work for us to get the grade.  The class we take we are encourage to do the best we can, on the level we are taught.  Although, I love going to my last class of the day, we had to go to our home room class today and class was cut short today.  But before we left, we played a game of Kahoot! in the group the we were assigned.  The group I played in cane in third place and we received five points.  I had a good time in fourth block today and I got the chance to receive information on how to get my grade to where I want it to be.