Wednesday, January 29, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today found more evidence to help answer th e prompt.  We as a class were given example prompts to helps us understands what and how to apply the concept when writing. One of the example promptly was asking about how reporter should deliver their new stories.  During this lesson we had to give a position, give a claim, provide evidence, or as we learned today a reason, and it’s reasoning.  Today we actually found out the difference between reason and reasoning, which I thought they actually meant the same thing.  At first I really did not understand what he was asking between reason and reasoning, but as we got into depth about the two it really became really understandable.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

What is your purpose and if you don’t know your purpose what do you think your purpose is?

My purpose is to give it all I got life.  I think that playing softball is way for me to forget about everything that is going on in life because it like a way I cope with everything that’s going on in my life.  I don’t tell nobody what’s happening in life or I don’t talk to nobody about all the things that have happened in my past.  When I’m playing softball, it’s like nothing even matters at that point.  Also I feel my purpose is to give life all I got because nobody else can give me they all.  It’s like the obstacles that I have been given I had to go through them by myself because I feel as if I tell anyone nobody will every understand.  My purpose is the basically to live life with threat and error because in order to find your true self, you have to have purpose.  My talent in playing softball helps me fullfill my purpose.

Monday, January 27, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today we got a new prompt. The prompt was asking us to describes the relationship between ownership and sense of self.  So in class we actually watched a video that, the recently passed, Kobe Bryant made some years ago.  The video was about how dreams can come and go, but sadly the memories are still within one’s self.  We were told to write down some things that you have ownership of.  I truly at first didn’t understand that because my parents provide everything I ask for so basically it’s not mines to own.  As other people in the class started to say what they had I started to understand it more. In the prompt it had three positions that we could choose on and I choose the third specially because it was easier to write about and understandable.  As class continued I got an concept of what having ownership means and I realized that I have ownership over myself everyday, all day and truly happy to know that nobody can take it away from.

Friday, January 24, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today we finished answering the question to the practice assessment that we were doing yesterday.  As we were finishing answering the question I noticed that we figured out how to eliminate the wrong answers just by reading and figuring out what it actually is asking.  We also being to read a essay today but we did not get to finish it.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today we took practice a quiz from an exam.  We had fifteen minutes to finish twelve questions.  So I really did not understand so if the questions that were given but when you actually read them twice or even three times you start to get the question.  So after we got done with the exam by ourselves we got into groups and we helped each other understand how to really look and answer the question based on the information it had given us.  Although we did not finish we were doing pretty good and our group because it helped each one of us see why we choose a answer from different perspectives.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Well so in class today we was suppose to finish our two body paragraphs but I didn’t finish because I wasted my time talking the whole class period.  I decided I will come home and finish it but I forgot what the essay was really about.  Anyways in class today we had a substitute teacher and class was really interesting and long.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today we finished the work that was given to us on Friday. Since Mr. Rease wasn’t here today we had a sub.  I was able to complete my work just in time before we got out of school.

Friday, January 17, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Class today was simply an add-on from yesterday’s discussion. Today in class we talked about how the grading scale works when grading AP Exams. We read two essay that were based on the prompt that we read two days ago and have been trying to construct information information that could help us when taking the exam.  So we read two essay today and scored them based on the grading scale that we have received today.  The first essay was an well developed essay and it had its strong points and the person was able to back up their claims with good pieces of evidence.  The second person essay wasn’t really well developed but it wasn’t a bad essay.  So basically when writing the essay you have to have knowledge and good resources that could help you.  You also have to back up your evidence with good reason to why it relates to the topic.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today we add some more information to the lesson from yesterday.  Today we about the difference in a observations and experiences.  An observations is something that you seen or witness but wasn’t fully included in the situation.  An experience is being included in the situation and having  some part of the action.  We gave some examples of some observations and experiences so that we could understand the difference and how you use them in writing a essay.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today we engage into the lesson that we went over yesterday and we continued to break down what’s its asking for us to do.  Yesterday we made a chart that includes reading, observations, and experiences.  In class today we focused more on the reading section.  We watched videos of credible people and we used their stories as some evidence that could us in writing or explaining what the prompt is asking is for. Also today we used the videos as a way of getting claims that could help us better explain the prompt.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

In class today we extinguished the difference between certainty and doubt.  Our first assignment was to a make list of thing that you certain of and another list of what you doubt.  To be certain of something means you have 100% faith in something.  To have doubt about something means that you lack faith.  We did this so it could help us break apart an essay prompt and how to answer the question to the prompt.  The question to the prompt was basically asking us to distinct the relationship between certain and doubt.  We took notes and we as a class talked about somethings that we didn’t quite understand.  We wasn’t able to finish we were suppose to do today but the things that I got from answering prompts like this that you really have to pay attention to what the prompt is asking you because they have a way to play mind tricks to make something that it not.

Monday, January 13, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we played a game called Four Corners.  Four Corners is a game where you have four corners and in each corner there an answer choice to the question being asked.  But today we did not answer the question off of an answer choice, it was based off how you agree or disagree with the topic.  For example one of the topics that we were given was should kids have the right to spend their allowances any kind of way they want.  The four corners were strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. The corner I choose was agree because you have to give kids boundaries on what they can buy or on how they can spend it.  Some kids will take their money and buy unnecessary things just because they see it and/ or they might want to buy something but they just have the money to.  So the four corners were basically like you having your own opinions on how you feel towards the topic.  Some topics consider having a right answer and some don’t but it all depends on how you can relate to the topic.

Friday, January 10, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we read about fallacies and we took notes.  There are many different types of fallacies that we learned that in the past few days and today we reviewed over some more.  We use fallacies everyday and we don’t even know it because we just don’t stop what we talking about or doing and automatically know that we are doing a fallacy.  There are many different ways fallacies are used and sometimes they are used on deductive logic works.  Meaning that it starts with the the audience knows and believes-the commonplace-and applies it to a particular situation to the conclusion. There is one big difference between formal logic and the art of persuasion because it focuses  on their attitudes toward the rules and rhetoric has virtually had no rules.  An ability to protect yourself from aiding fallacies is to look for bad proofs, the wrong number of choices, and/or the disconnect between the proof and the conclusion.  The uses of a fallacy can make or break an essay if the right person reads it or if you use on the right person.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

Today in class we got into groups and we planned out skits for a fallacy that we given.  First we were placed in groups and given our fallacy.  Since the group I was in had five people, we were given two fallacies.  We had fifteen minutes to come up with our skits and figure out what we were going to talk about. We also had figure out what the other groups analogies were by given three answer choices from our teacher.  Each group that went did a really good job with their skits and  really enjoyed the laughter today. The group I was had four girls, including myself, and one boy.  We planned our skit around the cheating on his main girlfriend with three other females. He text everyone the same text but nobody knows that he was the one who was sending the text. So the we find out that he was texting all of same text and we figure out that we was texting the same boy.  His main girlfriend called him so we can talk to him on the phone but doesn’t answer her phone call he answers the other girl phone call.  She tells him to come to where we was at and he came in shock, supposedly.  We comforted him using a fallacies that we were given.  He came in all confused and trying to find out way out of the situation.  He started to act like what he was doing wasn’t wrong. But I was suppose to be the one who really don’t care because I talk to people to. That’s one of the fallacies because he was missing the point that talking to four girls wasn’t wrong and the he thought that his main girlfriend was gone take him back.  Then he started the talk about things, like the man on the moon and a cure cancer, that didn’t have nothing to do what we were talking about.  This is another fallacy because he had weak analogies.  So everybody decided to not talk to him and he was left with nobody talk to, that we know of.  We also got our commenting partner and how we are suppose to comment. Today in class really showed me a good time!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

My Daily Reflection Entry

  Today in class we were taught about the different types of fallacies.  Fallacy is a false or mistaken idea.  There are many different ways that fallacies are used in false or wrong.  We also reviewed over them and we had to figure out which question with one of the fallacies that we were given today class.